
Symbiosis is a networked co-op game in which the two players need to collaborate to enlarge their flocks and get through the level and beat the boss. There are both static and dynamic obstacles in the level, which the players need to dodge. There are different colored sections in the game. Each of the two players is only able to see obstacles in their own sections matched to their own colors. If a player is not in their own section, they have to rely on the other player to lead them around safely like a Seeing Eye dog. The players can shoot to destroy enemies. Some enemies can be seen by both the players and there are some that can be seen by both of them. Players sit in the same room and talk to each other while playing. They are however not allowed to look at each other’s screens. The games uses the Leap Motion for input.

Role: Gameplay(Flocking Algorithm, Hit Detection, Life Bars etc) and Network Programming

Teammate: Qing “Ronny” Li(Visual Effects/Graphics Programming)